We apologize but our bread supplier, La Farine, is now closed for two months.
We're wearing gloves as usual. As long as we have meat to sell we will stay open.
We're in this together so be good to one another my Starlets. -Sarah Time to order your all-natural Thanksgiving Turkeys! Call 510-652-7712.
Mary's Free-Range and Organic Free-Range Turkeys.
Drop off and pick up your knives at Star Meats for sharpening. Next drop off dates are April 11 and April 25, 2013. Pickup two days later. Golden State Sharpening offers this service at $6.50 for each kitchen knife. Other implements like scissors and gardening tools can also be sharpened.
Check us out in the local press. But for a simple sandwich, the best place to go isn't always a restaurant or deli counter, but rather the kind of old-fashioned butcher shop that is slowly making a comeback — where the meat comes from animals that were raised humanely and weren't pumped full of chemicals. - When Butchers Make Sandwiches, by Luke Tsai, East Bay Express, Oct 31, 2012